Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Chinese Brush Painting

Two new resources have been added to our Chinese classroom. Students will enjoy taking a little quiet time out of their day to try out some Chinese brush painting. Following instructions in this easy kit (Discover Chinese Brush Painting) will open up a new world of Chinese art. Students will be able to further their skills by browsing around in the new book The Art of Chinese Brush Painting.
Drop by the classroom before school starts to check out the new stuff! Hope to see you soon!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Summer Reading!

Ni Hao Summer Readers!

Check out this fab book called Paper Cutouts. The instructions are very easy to follow and the patterns are lovely. There is also a very interesting section about the history of paper cuts. Give it a try. But sorry, this book is not at the Hawaii State Library. You will need to visit Border's or Amazon.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4th of July! Did you know that fireworks were invented in China? Some say fireworks were invented quite by accident. Really! The story goes that a field cook was cooking, got something a little wrong and BOOM! Fireworks! Actually, that is only one of the many stories about how fireworks were invented. It is also widely credited to Marco Polo for bringing fireworks (in the form of gun powder) to the West.
I know this...fireworks are certainly a lot of fun!