Good things are happening at LJA!
Keiki Chinese has been asked to participate in a 13 country International Peace Day project. One classroom from all 13 countries will create a 20 second movie about peace. Keiki Chinese students got right to work creating a super stop motion animation movie! Can't tell you anymore! You will just have to wait until the movie comes out.
Check out the picture of Han Bao Bao, Xiao Laoshi, and Xiao Yu working together to build ideas for our stop motion animation film. Check out the camera on the end of that tripod. That's right! The tripod is attached to the table. How cool is that!
Last night I got to attend a fantastic and inspiring lecture by the master teacher Marco Torres. Mr. Torres is a technology teacher from LA who has devoted his career to teaching and motivating teachers. He taught us about planning interactive and lively lessons that will engage keiki to dig deeper into learning. He also talked about a lot about his love of learning. I certainly understand how it feels to love learning! Yes, I am the Chief Learner of Room B3! Welcome to my world Chinese Learners. Step right in!
As you can see, I had a very happy long weekend. That is a picture of my dog, Dobie, going to the North Shore of Oahu for a picnic and riding. He always loves a good picnic. He is the Chief Sniffer in my life! Dobie is about 3 years old.
I also went to a lovely Labor Day dinner party with my little friend, Pippy, and her parents. This is a picture of Pippy holding up a beautiful beaded napkin ring that she made especially for our dinner table. Pippy is a 1st grader in Kaneohe who enjoys swimming, finger knitting, beading, reading to friends, and taking pictures. Her birthday is coming up this weekend and what a celebration we will have! Happy early birthday Pippy!
Remember...learn more do more!